Epoxy Coating For Magnets

Secure unparalleled protection for your magnets with our top-of-the-line Epoxy Coating. This advanced solution extends the lifespan of magnets by shielding them against corrosion, abrasion, and impact. Its sleek epoxy layer reinforces the magnet and adds a professional aesthetic touch. Optimal for harsh environments and daily use, our Epoxy Coating ensures your magnets retain their magnetic strength and appearance. Ideal for industrial, automotive, and marine applications, choose our Epoxy Coating for reliable, long-term magnetic performance.

Epoxy Coating For Magnets

Epoxy coatings are polymer-based compounds frequently used to preserve and enhance the appearance of different surfaces. They comprise two parts: epoxy and a hardener, which are mixed to create a strong, long-lasting, and weather-resistant covering.

In addition to neodymium magnets, epoxy coatings have a broad range of uses in metal, timber, and concrete surfaces due to their exceptional chemical resilience, longevity, and adhesion. They are a popular choice for industrial and business uses because they can withstand significant wear and strain and are moisture-proof.

epoxy magnets

Basics Of Epoxy Coating

In the case of neodymium magnets, the epoxy covering can provide a robust and long-lasting barrier to security. The goal is to protect them from degradation, flood damage, and other adverse effects that can cause the magnets to deteriorate in hours.

When applying Epoxy, it’s usual to see people use a brush or scraper for hardwood tabletops, floors, and so on. However, for neodymium magnets, we use sprayers to apply Epoxy covering at a quicker rate accurately.

Epoxy coatings appear in various shapes and sizes, each with its traits and uses. Some epoxy coatings are designed for timber or metal surfaces, while others are intended for use on concrete floors. For neodymium magnets, we use a urethane covering tailored for commercial services.

The most prevalent hue for the Epoxy finish is black, but white is also available upon request. Other shades are available; however, the cost-effectiveness must be considered. We will have to request that the covering method collaborator modify the characteristics.

Epoxy coating

Features Of Neodymium Magnets

Epoxy coatings are well-known for their high adherence, chemical resilience, longevity, and hardness. They are frequently used as protective coverings for concrete, metal, timber, and plastic materials. Some of the common characteristics of Epoxy covering for various uses are:

  • Adhesion: It has excellent adhesion to various surfaces, even without necessary surface preparation. You don’t have to worry about the quality of the bonding effects. This makes them ideal for use as protective coatings in a variety of applications.
  • Chemical resistance: It is resistant to various chemicals, including moisture, water, acids, bases, and solvents. This makes them ideal to use on neodymium magnets for general applications in environments where chemical spills or leaks may occur.
  • Durability: Epoxy has excellent durability and wear resistance. They can withstand heavy traffic and harsh environments. Once you apply them on neodymium magnets, you won’t need to worry that they may degrade quickly.
  • Toughness: Epoxy is tough and resistant to impact and abrasion. This makes them ideal for use in applications where the coating may be subject to wear and tear. Typical examples can be disc and button neodymium magnets. Most of them function as organizers, and we touch them frequently daily.
  • Versatility: We can use Epoxy in various applications, including flooring, walls, countertops, etc. Depending on the application’s specific needs, we can apply them in thin layers or as thick structural coatings.
  • UV resistance: Some Epoxy coating is formulated with UV inhibitors to protect the coated surface from fading or discoloration due to exposure to sunlight.
  • Low VOCs: Many Epoxy coating is soft in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making them more environmentally friendly and safer for indoor applications.

Advantages Of Epoxy Coating On Neodymium Magnets

1) Temperature tolerance up to 380°C

This temperature is greater than the operating temps suggested for the highest-grade magnets. That means you don’t have to be concerned about the covering itself.

2) Water, caustic, and acid resistance

This implies that this coverage is appropriate for neodymium magnets in specialized settings such as labs, workplaces, and restaurants.

3). A diverse color palette

Theoretically, Epoxy paint can have infinite hues to choose from if cost-effectiveness is justified. The covering method partner changes the characteristics, allowing them to make new hues.

4) There is no dangling issue

To put coatings on the neodymium magnets, we’ll need to place them one by one on a shelf or something. A hanging point is any point that comes into contact with the hanging rack. Hanging issues have the detrimental impact of making those areas smaller or even exposed. Workpieces do not have mounting places for the Epoxy finish.

5). Resistant to salt discharge for up to 72 hours

In a standard salt discharge test, the Epoxy covering can last for more than 72 hours. Given their widespread uses, we can state that this is a positive outcome.

6) Thickness of the coating

If necessary, dense coatings of Epoxy coating can be achieved on the workpieces’ surfaces, which can be double or even treble the lowest coating, up to 10-25um, and complex coating, up to 35um.

7). Beautiful and smooth textures

The surfaces are unlikely to be perfectly smooth if the covering is fragile. Because the urethane covering is much denser in comparison, their surfaces appear sleeker and more attractive. This trait is beneficial for ornamental magnets.

Disadvantages Of Epoxy

Like anything else, the Epoxy coating is imperfect or without a single disadvantage. Epoxy coating has several potential disadvantages, including:


  • Drying time: Epoxy coating typically has a longer drying time than other coatings, which can be inconvenient for production with tight schedules.
  • Temperature sensitivity: Epoxy coating can be sensitive and may not cure properly if applied in extreme heat or cold.
  • Vulnerable to UV light: Epoxy coating can become yellow or fade when you expose them to UV light, which can affect the appearance of the finished products.
  • Odor: Some Epoxy coating may have a strong, unpleasant smell when applied, which can be unpleasant for those working with the material.
  • Surface imperfections: Epoxy coating can highlight surface imperfections, such as dents or scratches, which may not be desirable for some applications.

Common Quality Issues 

If you don’t apply the Epoxy coating properly, several potential quality issues can arise. They include:


  • Poor adhesion: Epoxy may not adhere properly to the surface if it is not prepared correctly or if the coating is applied too thickly.
  • Delamination: Epoxy may delaminate or peel away from the surface of the coating is not applied evenly or is subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations.
  • Blushing: Epoxy may develop a white, cloudy appearance, known as blushing, if they are applied in high humidity or if they are not allowed to dry correctly.
  • Bubbling: Epoxy may develop bubbles if the coating is applied too thickly or if it is applied in a location with high humidity.
  • Cracking: Epoxy may crack if subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations or applied over a surface with a lot of movement.

As a custom neodymium magnet provider, we always look for possible Epoxy covering quality problems. We will not sell those faulty items to our clients.

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