
Harness the pinnacle of magnetic power with our premium N52 neodymium magnets, meticulously crafted by seasoned experts. Our N52 magnets are ideal for demanding industrial applications, high-end engineering projects, and innovative research activities that require ultimate precision. With a focus on quality and performance, each of our magnets undergoes rigorous testing to ensure durability and longevity.

N52 Neodymium Magnets Wholesale

N52 magnets are an excellent choice for applications requiring a strong, permanent magnetic field in a compact package. They represent the cutting edge of neodymium magnet technology and offer substantial holding force and magnetic capability where space and weight are limited. Our N52 magnets provide exceptional holding power, making them indispensable for complex industrial machinery, advanced therapeutic devices, and cutting-edge research equipment.

N52 Neodymium Magnets Definition

N52 magnets are the highest grade of neodymium magnets currently commercially available. Neodymium magnets, also known as NdFeB, NIB, or Neo magnets, are a type of rare earth magnet made from an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron. The “N” refers to neodymium, and the “52” is a value that represents the maximum energy product of the magnet. In this case, N52 magnets have a maximum energy product of around 52 Mega-Gauss-Oersteds (MGOe). This number can slightly vary based on the manufacturer’s specifications.

The grade of a neodymium magnet describes the strength of the magnet. Higher numbers, such as N52, denote a higher maximum energy product, which generally corresponds to a greater magnetic field output per unit volume. As such, N52 magnets are some of the strongest permanent magnets per unit volume, offering high performance in a compact form factor.

Magnetic Properties of N52 Magnets

Magnetic properties are fundamental to understanding the suitability of N52 magnets for various applications. Here are the key properties and how they relate to the performance of N52 magnets:

磁力: This refers to the maximum strength the magnet can achieve. For N52 magnets, this is the highest available for neodymium magnets, and they can produce an incredibly strong magnetic field. This high magnetic strength makes them suitable for applications that require a powerful, compact magnet.
Remanence (Br): Also known as residual magnetism, remanence is the magnetic field in the magnet in a closed circuit. For N52 magnets, the Br is typically between 1.4 and 1.5 Tesla, which is exceptionally high and signifies that the magnet can hold a significant amount of magnetic energy.
Coercivity (Hci): Coercivity measures a magnet’s resistance to becoming demagnetized by an external magnetic field. N52 magnets exhibit high coercivity, often above 12 kOe (kilo Oersted). This means they can maintain their magnetism even in adverse conditions, such as in the presence of other magnetic fields or when heated (up to their maximum operating temperature).
Maximum Energy Product (BH max): This is the maximum magnetic energy density the magnet can store. N52 magnets have a maximum energy product of about 52 MGOe, which means they can store much energy relative to their size. This high-energy product makes N52 magnets one of the most powerful neodymium magnets, suited for high-performance applications.
Magnetic Properties of N52 Magnets
(Click to zoom in)

These magnetic properties combined are what make N52 magnets so valuable in advanced technologies and heavy-duty applications. With a high remanence, they can exert strong attractive or repulsive forces, beneficial for holding applications or actuation mechanisms. Their high coercivity allows them to function reliably even when exposed to other magnetic fields or certain levels of heat (though it’s important to note that neodymium magnets generally have a lower maximum operating temperature compared to other types of magnets, such as samarium cobalt).

Dimensions and Shapes of N52 Magnets

N52 magnets can be manufactured in various sizes and shapes, each lending to specific applications based on how the shape impacts the magnetic field lines and force distribution. Here are some common forms, along with considerations for their dimensions:

Discs/Cylinders: These are flat, round magnets with a height often less than the diameter. They are used in jewelry, packaging, and various closures. The larger the diameter, the stronger the magnetic field at the surface, but the pull force will also depend on the height or thickness.

Blocks/Rectangles: These are solid, three-dimensional magnets with length, width, and height. They are commonly used in mounting, sensors, and holding applications. The magnetic force of block magnets generally increases with size; larger blocks provide greater pull force.

Rings: Ring magnets have a central hole and are often used in loudspeakers, magnetic bearings, and coupling systems. The outer diameter versus inner diameter ratio and the thickness can greatly affect how the magnetic field lines concentrate.

Spheres: Less common due to their more complex manufacturing process and the fact that they have a more isotropic field (the same in all directions). Sphere-shaped magnets are often used for educational purposes or artistic installations.

Arcs/Segments: These magnets are segment-shaped or part of a ring and are often used in electric motors, generators, and magnetic bearings. Their curved shape concentrates the magnetic field along the arc.

Cubes: Like blocks but with equal dimensions on all sides, cube magnets have a symmetric field and are often used in magnetic puzzles, educational settings, and clamping applications.

Shapes of N52 Magnets
Shapes of N52 Magnets02

The dimensions of a magnet significantly affect its strength and application:

  • Surface Area: A larger surface area typically means a larger contact area and a stronger pull force when the magnet is attached to a metal object.
  • Volume and Mass: Generally, the larger the magnet’s volume (and thus, its mass), the more magnetic material is present, which usually results in a stronger overall magnetic field.
  • Shape: Certain shapes direct the magnetic field in specific ways. For example, ring magnets can concentrate the field on the central hole, while block magnets have a more evenly distributed magnetic field.
  • Aspect Ratio: The ratio between different magnet dimensions (e.g., diameter-to-height for discs) influences how the magnetic field projects from the magnet. A disc with a small diameter-to-height ratio may have a concentrated field at a single pole, whereas a disc with a larger ratio will have a field that projects further outward.

When selecting the size and shape of an N52 magnet for a particular application, one must consider both the magnetic requirements (strength, polarity, field shape) and the physical constraints (space, attachment method, weight). Manufacturers can often provide guidance or even custom magnets to meet specific needs.

Coatings and Durability for N52 Magnets

N52 magnets, like most neodymium magnets, are inherently prone to corrosion due to their high iron content. These magnets are usually coated with a protective layer to mitigate this issue and improve their durability. Several coatings are commonly used, each providing different levels of protection, durability, and aesthetic appeal.

  1. Nickel Plating (Ni-Cu-Ni): Nickel is one of the most common coatings for neodymium magnets. The magnet is first plated with a layer of copper, then nickel, and sometimes followed by another outer layer of nickel. This triple-layer coating protects against corrosion and has a shiny, silvery appearance. It is a cost-effective coating that adequately protects against humidity and wear for general purposes.
  2. Zinc Coating: Zinc is a cheaper alternative to nickel and provides reasonable protection against corrosion. It has a blue-ish, bright finish. Zinc-coated magnets are suitable for many applications, though they might not be as durable as nickel-plated ones in high-humidity or marine environments.
  3. Epoxy Coating: An epoxy coating, which may be applied over nickel plating, offers superior protection against harsh environmental conditions and is suitable for outdoor use. It typically has a black finish and provides excellent resistance to moisture and abrasion.
  4. Gold Plating (Ni-Cu-Ni-Au): Gold plating usually follows the same process as nickel plating but with an additional outer layer of gold. Gold is highly resistant to oxidation and creates an attractive finish. It is ideal for applications where a decorative appearance is desired and provides excellent protection against corrosion.
  5. Teflon (PTFE) Coating: Teflon coatings are not as common but can be used when a non-stick surface is necessary. They also provide good protection against corrosion and endure high-friction environments.
  6. Rubber Coating: A protective layer of rubber adds corrosion resistance and provides impact resistance, reducing the chance of chipping or cracking if the magnet is handled roughly.

The coating does more than protect against corrosion; it can also affect the magnetic performance of the magnet. Though coatings are generally thin, they can slightly decrease the magnetic force because they increase the distance between the magnet’s surface and the item it attracts.

When selecting a coated N52 magnet, consider the environment in which the magnet will operate. An epoxy or multiple coatings might be necessary for harsh conditions, such as outdoor use or near saltwater. Gold or nickel coatings offer a shiny and attractive finish for appearance-sensitive applications. The right coating ensures the magnet maintains its performance and longevity for its intended application.


N52 Neodymium Magnets, known for their high strength-to-size ratio, are used in various applications across various industries. Here are some of the key applications:

  1. 磁気カップリング: Magnetic couplings are permanent-magnetic couplings that transmit the torque between two magnetic rotors (with magnets) without contact by magnetic forces. Therefore, the magnetic strength of the coupling magnet becomes the key. And N52 is the best choice.
  2. Magnetic Crawlers: A magnetic crawler is a device designed to move over the surface of a material using the force of magnetism. It consists of a motor, a large neodymium magnet (N52 in most cases), and a flexible belt that moves over the material’s surface.
  3. 医療機器: The N52 Neodymium Magnet is a medical-grade magnet that can be used in various applications. These include use in surgical instruments, medical implants, and other devices requiring strong magnetic forces. Most micro neodymium magnets used in minimally invasive surgery are N52.
  4. Industrial Applications: N52 magnets are used in various industrial applications where a small magnet must be strong enough to hold an object to its surface tightly. They are used in magnetic separators, filters, ionizers, and in producing on-off buttons and safety and security systems.
  5. エレクトロニクス: In information technology, neodymium magnets are used in hard disc drives, mobile phones, and audio and video systems of televisions. They are also used in antilock braking systems and to mount small trackers on vehicles.
  6. Healthcare: Neodymium magnets are incorporated into medical devices for arthritis, wound healing, insomnia, headache, and several other diseases due to their ability to generate a static magnetic field. They are also used in the production of baby strollers that are attached to carriers via magnets.
  7. DIY Projects and Household Use: N52 magnets, such as knife racks, magnetic spice racks, and other wall-mounted storage and organization solutions, are used in DIY projects. They can hold curtains securely, keep pets and children out of cabinets, replace broken latches, and even create specialty DIY items such as scrubbers for cleaning aquarium tanks or clothing zippers.
  8. Automotive and Aerospace Industries: Due to their high magnetic strength, these magnets are used in motors and generators in the automotive industry. In the aerospace industry, they are used in satellites, rockets, and airplanes because of their compact size and high magnetic force.
  9. Scientific Applications: N52 Magnets are used in Magnetic Stirrers, which scientists use to keep mixtures clean and prevent them from becoming contaminated.
  10. Jewelry and Fashion: They are used in jewelry clips, identification badges, and garment closures.
  11. 再生可能エネルギー: Neodymium magnets are also used in the renewable energy sector, particularly in manufacturing wind turbines.

N52 Magnets VS Other Grades

N52 Magnets VS Other Grades

Regarding magnetic strength and performance, N52 magnets are at the upper end of the spectrum when comparing neodymium magnet grades. Here’s how they compare to other grades:


  • N52磁石: These are among the strongest available on the market. They possess a very high remanent magnetic field and energy product.
  • Lower Grades (e.g., N35, N42, N50): These grades have lower magnetic field strength and energy product, meaning N52 magnets are generally stronger than these lower-grade neodymium magnets.


  • N52磁石: Due to their strength, they are used in applications requiring compact magnets with a strong magnetic field, such as high-performance motors, medical devices, and sophisticated clamping mechanisms.
  • Lower Grades: Magnets like N35 and N42 are still strong and often sufficient for everyday applications such as closures, hooks, and simple mounting solutions where a super strong magnetic field is not essential. They’re used when costs must be minimized, or the application does not demand the highest available magnetic force.


  • N52磁石: Generally, they are more expensive than lower grades due to the higher content of the rare earth element neodymium, which provides their increased strength. Production processes for creating stronger magnets are also more complex, contributing to the higher cost.
  • Lower Grades: They are more cost-effective and offer a better price-to-performance ratio for applications where the highest possible strength is not necessary.

Reasons to Choose N52

  1. Maximum Strength: For projects that need the most powerful magnet in a small size, such as performance-driven technological or industrial applications.
  2. Space Efficiency: N52 magnets can reduce the overall size of an assembly or application, which is critical in miniaturized designs.
  3. Higher Performance: Devices that require high magnetic fields for their operation, such as advanced electric motors or generators, will benefit from N52 magnets.


  • 温度感受性: It’s important to note that while N52 magnets are stronger, they also tend to have lower maximum operating temperatures. In environments where high heat is expected, a samarium cobalt magnet or a lower grade of neodymium with higher temperature stability may be preferred despite being less strong.
  • 脆さ: N52 magnets, like all neodymium magnets, are brittle and can be damaged if not handled carefully. This might necessitate the use of protective coatings or housings.

Customization Options for N52 Magnets

Customization options for N52 magnets vary to meet the specific needs of different applications and industries. Manufacturers often offer a range of customizable features, including:

  1. 磁化方向: N52 magnets can be magnetized in various directions depending on the required magnetic orientation for the application. Common magnetization directions include through thickness, diameter, length, or even multi-pole on one surface.
  2. Shapes and Sizes: Although there are standard shapes and sizes, N52 magnets can be custom-made to the exact dimensions specified by the customer. This includes simple shapes like discs, blocks, rings, or spheres and more complex shapes like arcs or custom geometries.
  3. コーティング: As previously mentioned, N52 magnets can have different coatings applied for aesthetic reasons, to prevent corrosion, or to improve durability. These coatings can also be customized, offering nickel, gold, epoxy, and more options.
  4. Tolerance: For precision applications, the manufacturing tolerance can be specified to ensure the magnet fits perfectly within the required assembly. Tighter tolerances can be achieved but may increase the cost.
  5. Grade: Within the N52 quality, some variations (like N52M or N52H) might indicate varying levels of temperature resistance while still maintaining strong magnetic force.
  6. Magnetic Stabilization: Some applications may require the magnets to be stabilized or calibrated to perform as expected over time or in certain temperatures.
  7. Mounting Options: Customization might include various mounting mechanisms, like countersunk holes or adhesives, which can be factored into manufacturing.
  8. Packaging: For more sensitive applications, the packaging of the magnets can be customized to ensure magnetic fields don’t interfere with one another or with other components during shipping and handling.

N52 Magnets Price

The pricing of N52 magnets can be influenced by several factors contributing to their cost. Some of the key elements that affect the price include:

  1. Material Costs: N52 magnets are composed of an alloy containing neodymium, iron, and boron, with neodymium being the most significant cost driver due to its status as a rare earth metal. The market price of neodymium can fluctuate based on global supply and demand, directly impacting the magnets’ cost.
  2. Manufacturing Complexity: The higher the grade of the neodymium magnet, such as N52, the more precise the manufacturing process needs to be. This precision requires advanced technology and quality control measures, which in turn elevate the production costs.
  3. カスタマイズ: Custom shapes, sizes, magnetization directions, and coatings can all increase the unit price of an N52 magnet. Customized orders are often more time-consuming and may require specific tooling or machinery.
  4. Tolerances: Magnets produced with tighter tolerances — meaning the allowable deviation from the specified dimensions is smaller — require more exact manufacturing processes and often more material waste, increasing the price.
  5. コーティング: The type of coating applied to the magnets for corrosion resistance and durability can also affect cost. Common coatings include nickel, copper, zinc, or gold; some specialty coatings may be more expensive.
  6. Volume: Like many products, purchasing N52 magnets in larger quantities often results in a lower per-unit cost due to economies of scale. Manufacturers are generally able to offer discounts for bulk orders.
  7. Market Conditions: The raw materials market, as well as the economic conditions affecting production and logistics (labor costs, energy prices, etc.), can cause price fluctuations for N52 magnets.
  8. Geopolitical Factors: Since much of the world’s neodymium is sourced from specific countries, trade policies and geopolitical events can impact availability and pricing.
  9. 認証: Magnets that require certification (like ISO, RoHS, or REACH) must undergo additional quality assurance processes, which can add to the cost.
  10. Supply Chain Considerations: The cost of shipping, especially given the need for special packaging to handle magnetic fields safely, can affect the total price, and any supply chain disruptions can lead to increased prices.

When considering the pricing of N52 magnets, potential buyers should weigh the strengths and advantages of N52 against their budget and the specific requirements of their project. Sometimes, a less powerful magnet might offer a more cost-effective solution while meeting the necessary functional criteria. It’s beneficial to seek quotes from multiple suppliers and inquire about all potential costs involved, including customization and shipping, to ensure a fair comparison of prices.

Ordering Process

Magnets Ordering Process

Ordering N52 magnets typically involves a straightforward process. Still, to ensure you get the exact product you need, you should be prepared to provide detailed specifications and understand the steps to place an order. Here’s a clear guide on how to order N52 magnets:

  1. Determine Your Requirements: Before contacting a supplier, know what you need. This includes the size, shape, magnetization direction, coating, grade, tolerance, quantity, and any custom features. Also, consider the application environment, such as temperature and exposure to elements, which could dictate the need for certain standards or certifications.
  2. Supplier Selection: Choose a reputable supplier. You might want to select one that specializes in high-grade neodymium magnets and offers customization services if you require something specific. Check the supplier’s certifications to ensure they adhere to quality standards.
  3. Request a Quote: Reach out to the supplier(s) for a quote. Provide all your requirements in detail. You may do this through the supplier’s website form, email, or phone. Ensure you also inquire about lead times, payment terms, and delivery options.
  4. Provide Detailed Information: The supplier will typically need the following:
    • Desired magnet grade (N52 in this case)
    • Dimensions and tolerances
    • Shape and magnetization direction
    • Coating type
    • Quantity
    • Intended application (to understand environmental factors)
    • Any certification requirements (e.g., ISO, RoHS)
    • Delivery address and preferred shipping method
  5. Review the Quote: Once you receive the quote, review it thoroughly. It should include a breakdown of costs for the magnets, customization, shipping, and any additional fees. If anything is unclear or does not meet your expectations, this is the time to ask questions or negotiate.
  6. Place the Order: If the quote meets your requirements, you can formally place your order. Depending on the supplier, you may need to fill out an order form, purchase through their online portal, or confirm the quote and terms via email.
  7. Confirm Artwork and Designs: You might need to approve designs or artwork for custom orders, especially if your magnets require specific markings or manufacturing to precise dimensions.
  8. Payment: Complete the transaction according to the agreed-upon payment terms. Suppliers may require full payment upfront, a deposit, or payment upon delivery.
  9. Order Confirmation: After placing the order and making a payment, you should receive an order confirmation outlining your purchase details and an estimated delivery date.
  10. Delivery and Inspection: Once the magnets arrive, inspect them immediately to ensure they meet your specifications and that there are no defects.

If, at any point during this process, you’re unsure of what information you need to provide or what options are available, don’t hesitate to ask us for assistance. We can guide you through the selection process, offering advice tailored to your application to ensure you order the correct magnets for your needs.

Why Choose Us as N52 Neodymium Magnets Supplier?

Choosing us as your N52 Neodymium Magnets supplier offers several advantages:

  • Quality: We supply N52-grade neodymium magnets, among the strongest commercially available magnets. The “N” rating refers to the material’s Maximum Energy Product, which indicates the maximum strength that can be magnetized and held permanently. An N52 magnet, at 52 MGOe, is incrementally stronger than lower grades.
  • 汎用性: We offer various shapes and sizes, including arc, disc, rod, block, sphere, and ring-shaped magnets. This versatility enables us to meet various applications and customer needs.
  • 強さ: N52 neodymium magnets are incredibly strong. Even small N52 magnets have impressive pull strength. For example, a 10mm diameter x 2mm thick N52 magnet has a pull strength of 1.6kg. This strength makes them ideal for applications that require a powerful magnet in a small space.
  • カスタマイズ: We offer custom magnet shapes for prototypes, inventions, or specialty projects. This service allows us to meet unique customer requirements.
  • 耐久性: The material used to make neodymium magnets is brittle and hard. Since they are not waterproof, placing them in damp environments will cause them to rust or corrode. They are coated or plated at the end to shield them from the weather.
  • 顧客満足度: Our customers have expressed satisfaction with the accuracy of our product descriptions, pricing, and timely delivery.



