What are neodymium magnets used for?

What are neodymium magnets used for?

Neodymium magnets are a type of rare-earth magnet, made from an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron. They are incredibly powerful and versatile – capable of holding up to 1,000 times their own weight – making them incredibly useful in a variety of everyday applications. From industrial processes to medical technology, these magnets play a vital role in modern life.

What are neodymium magnets used for?
What are neodymium magnets used for?

What are neodymium magnets used for?

Common uses of neodymium magnets include speakers, hard drives, electric vehicles, industrial machinery, consumer electronics, medical devices, jewelry clasps, maglev aircraft, and permanent maglev trains. They are also used for magnetic separation in laboratories and factories to separate magnetic and non-magnetic materials. 

Top 10 Uses for Neodymium Magnets

Neodymium magnets, or rare earth magnets, are incredibly versatile and have a wide range of applications. From medical devices to home improvement projects. Here are the top 10 uses for neodymium magnets

1. Electronics

Speakers, microphones, hard disk drives, and MRI machines all use neodymium magnets due to their superior strength small size, and durability. 

2. Automotive industry

Each car has dozens of parts, such as engines, brakes, sensors, instruments, speakers, etc., using 40 to 100 NdFeB and SmFeN sintered magnets. It is reported that a fully automatic limousine needs to consume about 0.5kg to 3.5kg of rare earth permanent magnet materials. New energy vehicles use more NdFeB materials. Each hybrid vehicle (HEV) consumes about 5KG NdFeB more than traditional vehicles. Pure electric vehicles (EVs) use rare earth permanent magnet motors to replace conventional generators. Use more than 5-10 kg NdFeB.

3. Renewable energy

Wind turbines and hydropower systems rely on the high strength of these magnets to generate electricity. Tidal power generators also utilize neodymium magnets as part of their design. 

4. Robotics

Actuators and motors that power robots often employ neodymium magnets to ensure precise movement with minimal power consumption. The joint movement of the robot is realized by the drive motor, which requires a substantial power-to-mass ratio and torque-to-inertia ratio, high starting torque, low inertia, and a smooth and wide speed regulation range. Especially for robot end effectors (claws), small and light NdFeB permanent magnet motors are the best choice. Some organizations estimate that, at present, a 165kg welding robot needs to consume about 25kg of high-performance NdFeB.

5. Jewelry & crafts

Jewelry designers and crafters often use these tiny metallic-colored gems to create unique designs with closures or displays that can’t be achieved using other materials. 

Application of Magnets
Application of Magnets

6. Medical devices

Prosthetic limbs that incorporate motion sensing technology rely on neodymium magnetism for precision control; hearing aids use them as well to improve sound quality; magnetic therapy is another application where these tiny but powerful tools find use in modern medicine. 

7. Home Improvement

Cabinet closures, door latches, and DIY projects can be made much easier with the help of a few strategically placed neodymium magnets here and there. They need only a few pounds’ force to keep open, but neodymium magnets offer more secure attachments than many alternatives like glue or nails. 

8. Magnetic levitation

The maglev train is a modern high-tech rail vehicle. It uses electromagnetic force to achieve non-contact suspension and guidance between the train and the track. Then it uses the electromagnetic force generated by the linear motor to drive the train. In the propulsion system of maglev trains, NdFeB permanent magnets are often used to make permanent magnet synchronous traction motors to keep the train moving in a straight line.

9. Science & Education

Experiments, demonstrations, and research often involve the use of powerful magnetic fields created by neodymium magnets which allow scientists to observe properties not possible through any other means at our current level of technology. Teachers can also use them to effectively demonstrate electromagnetic principles with hands-on activities! 

10 . Security

One of the security applications is a magnetic door alarm, which consists of the magnet (the smaller part installed on the movable door and window) and the wireless signal transmitter (the larger part installed on the fixed door or window frame). Place the magnetic door alarm on the door and window. Once someone pushes the window and door open after the fortification mode is turned on, the door and door frame will move, the permanent magnet and the wireless transmitter module will also move simultaneously, and the wireless signal transmitter will alarm.

What does a neodymium magnet attract?

Common materials that neodymium magnets will attract include iron, cobalt, nickel, steel, and some rare earth metals like gadolinium and dysprosium. Neodymium magnets can also be used to attract non-metallic items such as paperclips or pieces of wood. However, the strength of the attraction will depend on the size and shape of the magnet. 

what can neodymium magnet attract
what can neodymium magnet attract

How much weight can neodymium magnets hold?

Generally, NdFeB magnets can absorb objects 600 times their weight. The suction force of NdFeB magnets has a special relationship with their volume, performance grade, and distance. The higher the grade of the NdFeB magnet, the greater the suction force. For example, a magnet of the same size and specification, N48, has a much higher suction force than N35.

NdFeB magnets have many specifications, including those with holes and unique shapes. These are directly related to the suction force, and the calculation is more complicated. And different distances also have separate suction. Different material grades also have different suction power.

Calculation formula of the suction force of NdFeB magnet

The suction force formula of ordinary NdFeB magnets:

Weight X 600 = suction

PS: weight = volume X density.

The suction formula of circular NdFeB magnets:

Volume X density X 600 = suction.

Example: 20mmX5mm N35 NdFeB magnet. Suction = (10 radius X 10 radius X 3.14 X 5 thickness) volume X 0.0075 density X 600=7065g (grams).
That is to say; the 20 X 5 N35 magnet can absorb 7.065 kilograms of objects.

Are neodymium magnets safe?

Yes, neodymium magnets are generally safe for humans but can be dangerous if swallowed by children and pets. In addition, neodymium magnets can damage electronic equipment such as credit cards, computers and phones. Because the strong magnetic fields generated by neodymium magnets can interfere with these magnetic memory items and electronic devices, causing them to malfunction or even be permanently damaged.

Is it safe to touch neodymium magnets?

Generally speaking, yes! It is safe to touch neodymium magnets. However, it’s best to avoid contact with any skin or body parts, as neodymium magnets can pinch the skin when two of them are brought together or when a magnet is attracted to certain metals. 

Neodymium magnets illegal uses

One of the most concerning illegal uses of these magnets is using them as toys or decorative items, which can lead to severe injuries if swallowed or inhaled. Another dangerous use of neodymium magnets is using them as fake tongue or body piercings, which can result in accidental ingestion or choking.

Additionally, some individuals use these magnets to build homemade weapons, threatening public safety. It is also illegal to use neodymium magnets in any way that could interfere with or damage public safety or transportation systems. This includes using them near train tracks, aircraft navigation systems, or power lines. 

In conclusion

Neodymium magnets are a versatile and powerful material that can be used in many different ways. From small applications such as jewelry to more complex machines, these rare earth magnets have many uses. Although they require special care due to their strength, with the right precautions neodymium magnets can be used for a variety of projects. With the increasing availability of these materials, it’s easy to see why so many people are turning to neodymium magnets for their needs.

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